Facebook marketing for farms

Your Facebook page is designed to promote your business. Think of your Facebook page as a digital home for your business. Facebook is a popular place for customers to search for your business, learn more about what you do, and find contact information. Often they will search for you on Facebook, even more will search for you on Google!

Be sure to take the time to update your Facebook page to include:

  • Your logo;
  • A branded header;
  • Contact address, phone number and email address;
  • Website/website URL;
  • Business description.

This ensures that your customers get all the information they need right away.

Once you’ve optimized your Facebook page, it’s time to start filling it with content! To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of content ideas for the different elements of the platform: posts, stories, and Facebook Live.

Facebook post ideas for agricultural businesses

Behind the scenes

People love to see how their food is produced. Show your customers a little behind-the-scenes of how their favorite foods are produced. The beauty of Facebook posts is that you can post multiple photos in one post.


Facebook is a great place to tell stories. If you have a funny anecdote from their farm, write it down and share it on Facebook. Tell your own stories about how your business came to be, share the hard moments of being a business owner, or even a short story about how you collect eggs in the morning! Storytelling is a great way to connect with your audience.

Take it a step further and ask your customers to share their stories below in the comments!

Facebook posts with product photos are a great place to share your harvest of the week. Share high quality photos of the products that are on sale that week as well as ordering instructions! Also, don’t forget to add a link to your online store or website.


Infographics can be a great way to keep your customers informed. You can learn a lot about different farming styles and production methods. If you’re looking for a quick way to let your customers know why your products are different, put it in a short infographic. If you don’t have time to create one yourself, there’s always plenty to share online.

Share your blog posts or favorite recipes

Many companies write blog posts to offer value to their customers. Blog posts can include anything from an article about a particular trend or topic to your family recipe for a special holiday meal. If you are an avid blog writer, use your Facebook page to promote your content!

Ask for opinions

Facebook is a great place to ask for feedback. The polls feature allows you to ask about preferences among your audience. Run a poll to ask if customers want a different pickup time or delivery location. You can even ask them what their favorite product is. No matter what kind of feedback you’re looking for, request it here.

Contests and giveaways

If you’re running any promotions, giveaways, or contests, be sure to advertise them on your Facebook page. A possible contest could be to share product photos, recipes, or even just tag three of your closest friends in a post. Customers can like and comment on your post, so don’t forget to encourage interaction.

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